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CBC Bank wins the Coveted "Yellow Jersey" Trophy


Updated: Aug 14, 2023

In This Photo: Ralph Jackson-LAMP Development Director, Mandi Ward – Branch Manager at Baytree Location, Skip Long – VP/Commercial Lender, Matthew Lucas – IT Specialist/Assistant Banking Officer, Yurshema Flanders - LAMP Executive Director, Matt Malone – VP/Marketing Director

Valdosta, July 27, 2023 – In a display of skill, teamwork, and determination, CBC Bank emerged as the champion in the much-anticipated 2023 Dodge Ball Tournament hosted by LAMP (Lowndes Associated Ministries to People).

The thrilling event held at Valdosta High School on July 15th brought teams together from various businesses and clubs throughout the community, each vying for the Coveted Yellow Jersey Trophy.

Over 12 teams registered for the event and competed for bragging rights to be crowned the 2023 LAMP Dodgeball Champions.

The Coveted Yellow Jersey Trophy, pictured above, will be held and displayed by CBC Bank, Valdosta throughout 2023 until next year's tournament. The trophy has been created as a traveling trophy - in other words the winner of the 2023 tournament will have to present the same Trophy to next year's winner 2024. Each year the Trophy will pass to the current champion for that year.

CBC Bank has the accomplished distinction of winning the Yellow Jersey Trophy in it's first year! We congratulate team and their team on this great win! As the years progress, CBC Bank will forever be recognized as the first champions to reach this goal.

The LAMP Dodgeball Tournament is an annual fundraising event that benefits the community to assist the homeless population of individuals and families to achieve permanent housing. LAMP is a community nonprofit ministry that employs a structured program and path to employment through the job search facility on site, in addition to caseworker services to help the families to become self-sufficient, productive, and housed.

We would like to thank all who participated in this year's event. So- GRAB YOUR DODGE BALL and Dodge, Duck, Dip and Dive - and GET READY for 2024!

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