Park Avenue United Methodist Church located in Valdosta, GA has a heart for its community.
LAMP has been a ministry partner to the church for over two decades. "I have been leading church groups to support LAMP for the past 18 years," stated Jamie Bone, associate pastor at Park Avenue and past Board Member. "We have been impacted in powerful ways as we have joined LAMP in feeding, clothing, and giving of our time to help with the needs of the shelter and the community." "The volunteer work and dedication from the Park Avenue has been second to none. From helping with meal donations to painting the Dining Hall, Park Avenue has and continues to be there for the shelter and its residents," said LAMP Executive Director Yurshema Flanders.
Park Avenue already has provided over 30 hours of volunteer work and offered our residents weekly bible study lessons. Each year they hold a Christmas Sharing program where they serve dinner to our clients and set up a free shopping opportunity at the church for parents to get gifts for their children. Most recently, they sent a couple of their youth groups over to clean up and paint the dining hall including buying new tables and chairs to make sure there was seating for everyone. And, when the storage shed was damaged this winter we asked for a donation and they stepped in and bought us a new one. We appreciate our Church Partners like Park Avenue United Methodist Church. Church Partners are key to LAMP"s success. We look to local churches to provide close to 25% in monetary donations to help with the annual operational budget.